Do you want to optimize your mind so that you can process information so much faster you can do so much more in so much less time? Do you want to achieve inner peace? Do you want to find out how to do both at the same time? Using methods from personal experience, I will help you achieve both inner peace and an optimized mind. Are you ready to change your life for the better?
Optimizing Your Computer
In this, the second article of the Optimize your Workflow series, we delve into the methods of Optimizing your Computer…because we do most of our work on the computer. In 7 steps, you will have a fully optimized computer. What are you waiting for, an invitation? Well, you probably wouldn’t be able to find it if I said it was somewhere on your computer. If you read the article, you’ll find it :O)
Optimizing your Workspace
Your workspace is, ideally, an extension of your mind. We must remember the Einstein quote, “If a cluttered desk signs a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” At the same time, Thomas Leonard said, “Clarity affords focus.” How do we reconcile these two into an optimized middle ground?
Optimize Your Workflow
When it comes to getting things done, most people have a duality of opinion, either you focus on one thing or multitask. There are pros and cons to both like focus (higher focus in the single task) and speed (higher speed in multiple tasks -kinda). Interestingly enough, I disagree that these are the only two […]
ZPU Systems
ZPU Systems is now a part of The Technetronics Group!!!! ZPU Systems IS The Technetronics Group. This move allows much more growth for ZPU Systems and The Technetronics Group alike. As President and CEO of The Technetronics Group, I am making sure that the business practices, clientele, moral standards, and devotion to innovation are satisfied by […]
ZPU Systems Is Back!!!
After a long while of staticocity(?) we are back to our old selves. We have been slightly preoccupied. We have been developing new ideas and new ways of revolutionizing the world (like VIRTUAL REALITY, GOOGLE WAVE API, and more fancy tech jargon). Well we hope to be seeing you soon and we hope you like […]
Check Your Clocks!
In case you didn’t know, at 6:59:59 pm eastern time (December 31, 2008), there was an extra second inserted. 6:59:59, 6:59:60, 7:00:00. Make sure you adjust your clocks by that one second ^_^