iTunes Tips and Tricks

So you have a 100 GB music library? How many duplicates do you have? Incomplete track data? Incomplete album art? Bad sound quality? As a musician, this happens to me constantly. Included with this blog post is a video of me demoing all the software I recommend and how to implement that software (and a […]

Biometrics and the Mac

It’s quite frustrating to us when we have a great idea and other people have implemented it. Don’t misunderstand, we are happy strong ideas are arriving into the world, but we are disappointed that we weren’t the ones to make it happen. That being said, I should clarify. Biometrics on the Mac stink!

Apple is Headed in the WRONG Direction

I have always thought of myself as a realist and what I am about to describe will be the downfall of Apple. There are probably some die-hard Apple fans who will curse me for this, but, I am right. The biggest problem I have with Apple right now stems from the iPad.

iPad is an iFad

In my opinion, the iPad is a waste of money. Those are somewhat harsh words, but rightfully so. The iPad is a tablet nettop. If you don’t already know how I feel about nettops…to be nice, I think they are absolutely terrible wastes of money. They are giant iPod Touches, just without the form factor […]

The WordPress App for iPod and iPod Touch

The free wordpress app from the app store is very useful, but there are some problems that need to be fixed. This is version 1.1 of the WordPress App. It is difficult to login because you keep getting the edit screen. It would be nice to have an edit blogs button and the actual button […]

A Review of the iPod Touch

As I type this on my iPod touch, I am astounded at all the available options, features, and apps (availible with the iPhone upgrade — approximately $10). Some cool features include: 1. Onscreen keyboard 2. Directional sencing 3. AutoCorrect/Suggestions 4. Magnifier 5. MultiTouch Capabilities 6. WiFi 7. Built-in apps (even if you don’t have the […]