Optimizing your Mind

Do you want to optimize your mind so that you can process information so much faster you can do so much more in so much less time? Do you want to achieve inner peace? Do you want to find out how to do both at the same time? Using methods from personal experience, I will help you achieve both inner peace and an optimized mind. Are you ready to change your life for the better?

Optimizing your Workspace

Your workspace is, ideally, an extension of your mind. We must remember the Einstein quote, “If a cluttered desk signs a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” At the same time, Thomas Leonard said, “Clarity affords focus.” How do we reconcile these two into an optimized middle ground?


Twitter stinks when it is crowded with junk.  I have recently hit 4000+ followers and I was following most of them, until recently.  I decided that I wanted a pleasant experience from Twitter, so I cleaned my following list. I am currently following ~40 people because I want to follow them, not because of some […]