Perl vs C++: A Fight to the Death

We found this relic from ZPU Systems that was never released, so we decided to broadcast it on YouTube! This video discusses some of the differences between C++ and Perl and answers the question: which is the best language.


Ragnarok is impossible-to-decrypt one-way encryption. To learn about this revolutionary new algorithm go to The Ragnarok Website. But what is Ragnarok? Simply put, Ragnarok is the epitome of web security because it eliminates the storage of your information. How? I’m glad you asked.

Clean Up Your Windows XP PC (The Included Free Ways)

Prevent This (The Windows Blue Screen of Death) By Doing Regular Maintenance. Read This Post To Find Out How…

Learning PHP … My Take On It

As a computer programmer, I enjoy learning new programming languages and this was probably one of the easiest programming languages to understand. I am not done learning PHP, but it was a very good thing for the site. After writing dozens of html pages, PHP was a nice break from it.